Incredibly inconsequential things that are really getting under my skin today
-people in the public bathroom who you can hear unrolling the whole roll of TP like their ass is the size of Texas. Common sense tells me that if you can fit in the stall, your ass is not big enough to need that much of a wipe
-people who come to talk to you (in the store, at work, where ever) and have just stuffed their face full of food- so even if you cared what they said- there's no chance of knowing what they are saying
-kids who whine and badger
-but even more so, the PARENTS of the kids who whine and badger, and are so oblivious. Come here, now get me a knife, and I'll tie your tubes for you right now. It'll do us all a favor
-people who are so vain (like I'm one to be talking right now, but screw that, this is MY blog) that they are more concerned about being perceived as correct instead of ever doing the right thing
-people who assume that their curiosity and nosiness for YOUR business automatically usurps your right to privacy. They, in fact, are exempt from any moral boundaries
-people who have no rhythm and are tone deaf. Furthermore, to clarify, not so much people with no rhythm who are tone deaf, but those who insist on being heard/seen and ruin it for the rest of us
-people who think that the WWE is a real thing. It's a man's play= the female version of a soap opera, with testosterone. I don't care if you like it, just don't try to tell me you actually BELIEVE what's going on
-Loud people. I swear you were given vocal chords and a set of lungs and I promise you that you have more than one volume. Use it! Switch thing up a little
-people who ask a question to everything that is said or done. Never to get a better explanation, nooooo... I really think they just want to hear themselves talk
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6 years ago