It's happening again. It is the ODDEST thing. I wake up and don't have a clue where I am. I'm not the kind to get messed up and crash on some one's couch. I live in a house and I've lived here for quite a while. I'm no longer scared when I have these thoughts though, which is odd all in itself. Instead now it's "OMG it's happening again. Think backwards... where are you. WHERE ARE YOU?" Then I start checking off each place I've lived until I've rebuilt the past and am back in my own bed in my own house. CREEPY!
New topic: guilt, guilt trips, flaky people, sneaky people: Get out of my way and stay the EFF away from me. I don't do guilt. I don't do guilt trips, and I refuse to treat anyone that way, even the ones who do it to me. They should know better. How the heck are they going to know it's possible to live without giving everyone around them a guilt trip, if they don't have at least one person to live that and show them. I take the challenge. I might hate you, but I won't give you a guilt trip. Somewhere in there, that all makes perfect sense to me.
I promise you I can handle the truth. I know the truth hurts. I'm sitting shot gun on that ride. Don't flake on me. Do what you say you're going to do, or DON'T. I don't really care. But don't say one thing and then do the opposite and believe that life carries merrily along. It might for a bit, but you are quickly going to lose anyone who has ever cared a little bit for you. Same with sneaky people. Don't they get tired of sneaking? Tired of lying to cover the sneaking? Tired of keeping track of the lies they told to cover the lies to cover the sneaking? Man up you little fucker and look me in the eye.
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6 years ago