Do think everything happens for a reason? Do you think that if you really want something, and things keep getting in the way, that it not supposed to be ? Or that you're supposed to try harder? Do you ever have those moments when you know very clearly that what you're doing, no matter how ridiculous it seems to every one else, is exactly what you've needed to be doing all along?
So many questions, and so few answers. The more more questions, the less answers, and MORE questions.... who made up these rules anyhow? Captivatingly frustrating.
I am very much into a routine; it's my safety net, my comfort zone. It's a way for me to gauge how the day is going. I realize this is the tiniest little thing, but... I bought a new kind of laundry detergent yesterday. OMG it has made my house smell sooooo yummy. I can't help but be in a good mood. =) It's the little things. What little things have made your day?
L hyperactivite T.D.A.H. Online PDF eBook
6 years ago