Wash away my face and wet my hair
my clothes hang damp, my feet are bare.
Let the rain beat down and wipe away
all I've carried here today.
I take my masque and I let it go
let it drop it no longer knows
I take my armor and release my grip
it too, too heavy as I start to sift.
A journey through the rain and into the light
wash me, cleanse me, please give me sight
all my adornments are laid now to rest
all of my worth is right in my chest
Take all of the sadness, all of the lies
wash them from the me and far from my eyes
Let it pour off my body and restore me anew
Let me start over, rebuild my heart too.
The falling I've mastered, it's the landing that tears
me all a part, that haunts with the dares
So rain down upon me as I shed everything old
no more secrets, every thing's told.
Nothing left to hide when it's all washed away
Nothing to hold back from a new glorious day
So take me, and mold me, I'm starting to see
There something dying to get out, inside, it's me.
L hyperactivite T.D.A.H. Online PDF eBook
6 years ago
That was... beautifully written.
You inspire me.
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