I've got a friend.
(Don't choke here-- it's true!) She is a WARRIOR on the inside with a perfectly humbled heart. She has conquered every hurdle with resolve and dedication.
(Think... surgery seriousness here...) She takes each breath of day as a joyful encounter. She is happy after countless setbacks. She doesn't complain nor does she play the pity-me-party. She, more than anyone else I know deserves a little pick-me-up. God forbid if she actually takes a moment out for herself and I'll be damned if she isn't cornered like a bad dog needing to defend itself. I don't get it. They don't know her history. And she doesn't want them to. And so they think they are owed an explanation of her choices. This all
does not compute in this head of mine. Since when were nosey people being cloned by the masses?
I think about the time the first season of "Real World" came out.
Listen, from the sound of things, it looks like it's about to go downhill for you very fast. But it doesn't have to happen that way. Talk. you don't have to say anything you're not comfortable with. but just talking will do wonders. i don't want you to go down those roads that i did.
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